The Colosseum in Rome with the sun shining behind it

Rome is one of the most vibrant cities with a rich history of more than 28 centuries. The city offers a plethora of inspiring monuments, not to be missed venues, and historical sites that give you the true feel of Italy. A wonderful example would be the Vatican City that is surrounded by Rome or ancient ruins like the Colosseum. We have selected the most iconic places you should visit when in Rome. Without further ado, let’s begin.


1. Roman Forum

Used as a political, religious, and social hub during the time of ancient Rome, this historical site is one place you have to add to your ‘places to visit list. According to historians, the forum was used as a marketplace at first that later on changed into a common place where public events were conducted. Over time, buildings were added that served multiple purposes to run the empire effectively. The Roman forum hosted events like elections, judicial trials, public meetings, educational gatherings, and much more. You can find many temples there which represent distinct timelines from history. Apart from the historical buildings, there are a few more places within the Roman forum.

  • A street called Via Sacra connects two other historical sites, the Piazza Campidoglio and the Colosseum.  
  • The Senate house, where every important political and administrative decision was made.
  • Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine, a community building used for meetings by the general public.


Open for visitors mostly throughout the year, do visit this important venue to feel history close to you more than ever.


2.  Colonna Traianna

Built in the commemoration of the emperor Trajan, the Colonna Tatianna. This site is an impeccable display of Roman architecture that will leave you mesmerized. The columns and pillars portray the triumph of the emperor and depict illustrations of soldiers helping in construction and celebrating after victories. This area was uncovered by archaeologists and still has many untapped archaeological sites.


3. The Vatican City

It is a fully independent nation-state in Rome, famous as a religious site throughout the world. The place houses very important buildings like the Vatican Palace that is home to the Pope for the Roman Catholic Church, Papal Palace, St, Peter’s Basilica, and many other historical buildings with rich history and architecture. There are a few buildings that are closed to the public, however, you can always visit the Vatican Museums that display renaissance art and sculptures to the general public. With an immense collection of the catholic church displayed at the museum, each piece of art will leave you in awe after looking at the detail and dedication that was put through during those times.


4.  Colosseum

It is a historical landmark located in the city centre of Rome. This amphitheatre was constructed by Emperor Vespasian for the Romans. The Colosseum hosted events like gladiator combats and animal fights that were a part of the culture during those times. This freestanding structure is made of limestone, concrete, and could house around 50,000 people with ease. Due to natural disasters, looting, and wars, the historical site has faced deterioration over time. Now only one-third of the structure remains, but still, the Colosseum is the most visited historical landmark due to its iconic construction.


5. Piazza Di Spagna

This all-inspiring square is always bustling with tourists where you can find amazing restaurants, inns, markets, and beautiful residential buildings. You can also find shops around that offer local products and souvenirs that you can take back home alongside a memorable trip. The name Piazza Di Spagna translates to the seat of the Embassy of Spain to the Holy See. The square has 135 gleaming stair steps where tourists relax and enjoy the view of the nearby buildings.


6. Mercati Di Triano

If you like to visit archaeological sites, the Mercati Di Triano is the perfect place for you. This historical site depicts the ruins of ancient Rome. The splendid architecture will give you a feeling of the beauty and grandeur of the Roman Empire. You can visit the remains of shops, warehouses, offices, and halls that display stunning sculptures, artefacts, and busts for visitors. Halls of the Mercati Di Triano are still used for art and theatre performances occasionally.

There are a plethora of amazing places apart from the ones mentioned above, depending on your personality and interests. Before you plan your trip, do a bit of research and shortlist the places that you would like to visit. Lastly, make sure that you pre-book the tickets during the peak tourist season to avoid a misadventure. So these were our picks for the places you must visit when in Rome, Italy.