Classic Auto Restoration Service

SSR Classic is a family owned company created in 2013 by two generations of car lovers with a long experience in the car business. Recently, we profiled the firm and spoke to Sérgio Rodrigues to discover more about their award-winning services that they provide to their clients.
Established in 2013, SSR Classic provides professional restoration and repair of classical cars, either acquired specifically for that purpose, or for clients / ‘collectors’ own restoration projects SSR Classic’s clients are successful business people and/or classic car collectors who enjoy driving classic cars. It is more than a hobby for them, driving classic cars is a Passion. The company also provides official certification from the best luxurious brands like Rolls-Royce, Mercedes, Jaguar, and others, so that the customer will have the guarantee that they are acquiring an original classic. Going into greater detail about the overall aim for the company Sérgio begins by informing us of the ways in which SSR Classic provides the best possible service to their clients.
“Here at SSR Classic, we try to ensure that every client has the best experience that they can have with the classic car. Also try to find the car from their youth. For that, we have a small team that works on a specific car each time making sure we follow the car maker original instructions, we also source internationally the original components of the car, meaning that each car restoration is a long and detailed process. Innovation is achieved through the process organisation in place and the equipment installed.”
On the topic of team, Sérgio is keen to highlight how he ensures that everyone within the company is aware of SSR Classic’s aims and behaves accordingly.
“Our team is small, and we have the advantage of being able to communicate and exchange ideas with each other on a daily basis. We try to involve everyone in the process, so that we all feel responsible for each restoration that takes place. They have the chance to meet directly the clients and are aware of their needs. They are proud of their work and the final product that is achieved. This is our ultimate goal: an excellent service for the client making sure that everyone is accountable for that.”
Classic cars are a niche market. It requires a certain expertise and amount of investment in order to operate in this business, as Sérgio is keen to explain.
“At SSR Classic, we have a reasonable number of collectors in Portugal, but also abroad that look for our services. We are at our full capacity which means that we don´t have many competitors or the ones that exist are not able to offer what we do. The restoration process takes time and perhaps the most challenging thing that we face is the sourcing of the original equipment from the major car brands. Our suppliers are from all over the world and sometimes transportation and taxes surpass the cost of the equipment being acquired. There is also the risk of not finding the original piece through the official brands, but this is something we will always advise the client and we try to come out with an alternative solution.”
Looking ahead to what the future holds for the firm, Sérgio signs off by envisioning the developments he foresees within the industry as well as how SSR Classic will adapt around them.
“This is a relatively steady sector with a growing interest. As such, we are always adapting to the new developments in this business by listening to our partners and attending art fairs internationally.
“Moving forward, we have already begun a few interesting partnerships with certain manufactures, however this is all that I can say for now!”
Contact Name: Sérgio Rodrigues
Company: SSR Classic
Address: Zona Industrial de Lordelo, Lote 30, Vale de Cambra, 3730-666,Portugal
Telephone: +351256100136