A group of friends enjoying lunch and drinks on a picnic bench outside their luxury camper

Countless times, camping has proven to be a means of self-rediscovery, connecting with nature, a getaway from the hustle and bustle of the world, and a break from our regular daily routines.

Often, the idea of camping can be such a thrill, but then it gradually wears off when the thought and the mental image of discomfort that you are more likely to experience floods your head. Different people have presented a “case” that discomfort is one of the major things that make camping more memorable. That camping should not be convenient, comfortable, refreshing, relaxing, or filled with luxury. Well, we strongly disagree. It should be known and said that camping should be filled with as much luxury as is needed! Hence, the purpose of this article; to suggest and enlighten you on amazing ways you can have a luxurious camping experience.


How Do I Camp Luxuriously?

As earlier stated, camping in luxury is a goal and strongly supported considering the mantra to “always put your comfort first.” Below are well-thought-out tips that come in highly recommended to make your camping experience worthwhile and relatively luxurious to bring you comfort during your camp duration:


Invest In Where You’ll Stay

Having a bad experience with a tent is something you should not want to experience, it is advisable to invest in the camper. These are completely waterproof, highly secured against the wind to offer the right balance of insulation and ventilation and mobile. Campers provide you with more safety, flexibility, and comfort. If these are your topmost priorities, you should opt for small campers with bathrooms if you’re going to be alone or with just one person tagging long. If you’re going on a family camp, you may want to consider opting for a bigger one.

Campers save you the stress of looking out for gas stations to let your bladder breathe. This is certainly the most vital step to keep your camping experience cosy and convenient.


Bring Your Source Of Power

The surge in technology has made it possible for us to have alternative sources of power supply that are portable. These power sources allow you to charge up and use electronics on the go. This simply means you can bring electrical appliances such as kettles, hairdryers, water heaters, room heaters amongst a host of others along with you. A perfect and the most reliable of these power sources are solar dependent. That way, you can never run out of electricity as long as the sun shines. These could be great if you’re planning to camp for a couple of days.


Consider An Airbed

In a situation where you can’t afford a camper, and you have to end up in a tent, a sleeping mat and a sleeping bag can be extremely uncomfortable for some people. Taking an airbed along promises and even offers you a more comfortable night’s sleep. Some airbeds even contain a few layers of memory foam to rival the comfort of a real mattress. Remember to purchase an electric air pump to save you the stress of manually pumping the mattress. Remember, your camping is luxurious. You should always avoid anything that could cause you stress or discomfort.


Eat What You Want

Homesickness begins to creep in when you can’t eat what you crave. If you’re going on a luxury camp, you may opt for a camper which makes moving a stove possible. If you’re opting for a tent, you could opt for a small cooking gas cylinder with a burner on it. You can also bring a cooler to store your raw food like fish, beef, and chicken. Making meals like fresh cinnamon rolls, salads, grills, and other things are all available on the menu. Bringing a multi-burner stove is also possible. That way, you make more elaborate meals easy to plan when you are group camping.  You also can make each person prepare a meal for the fun of it and improve creativity and build an outdoor cooking skill.


Create Entertainment

Having games and activities of all sorts even feel better when done outside. Whether cards, scrabble, snake and ladders, hide and seek, searching, e.t.c, the fun is unmatched. Also, having glow sticks around as a light source is endlessly fun for kids and even adults when the sun goes down. Since we already established the necessity of a power system to generate electricity, setting up an outdoor movie night projected on a screen with many snacks and drinks sounds like a perfect idea.

Camping is fun when planned properly. It even feels better and has more pleasant memories when done luxuriously. Whether by the seaside, forest, or even dessert, wherever your more preferred location is, your comfort should be all that matters.