Hosting a dinner party at home, whether it’s done to celebrate an important milestone or event or just because you want to get some friends and family together for an evening, is a fantastic way to entertain and make memories with loved ones. It can also be a good way to plan an event on your own terms, without needing to worry about any restrictions that might be imposed by a venue or restaurant.
If your goal is to plan a lavish and luxurious dinner party right at home, how can you go about doing so? Regardless of how much space you have to work with, there are some surprisingly easy ways to achieve your goal, and we’ve compiled a list of tips that can help you along the way.
First Off, Come Up with a Theme
When it comes to planning any event, including a dinner party, it’s a good idea to think about the theme you’ll use for the night. This can be inspired by the event itself, whether you are celebrating a graduation from university, a birthday, an anniversary, or anything else.
As you work on selecting a theme for your event, consider how easy it will be to bring it to life. You’ll want everything from your invitations (more on them below) to your décor to reflect the theme, but you also don’t want to overdo it and make it tacky either. Finding the right balance is key.
Yes, Send Out Paper Invitations
In addition to coming up with a theme for your party, you also need to set the date for it. Choose one that you think will work for at least the majority of the people you plan on inviting – after all, it may not be possible for everyone to attend. Also, make sure that you choose a date far enough in advance so you’ll have plenty of time to plan and alert your guests that they’re invited.
Speaking of inviting guests, it is a great idea to send out paper invitations by mail. So, while you might be tempted to just send out digital invitations, if you want to keep things luxurious, it may not be the best option. The good news is you can find lovely invitations in a variety of styles, and you don’t necessarily need to break the bank. Once you’ve found them, it’s a matter of mailing them out.
Tip: If you lost someone’s contact details and you don’t want to spoil the surprise of the invitation, you can use Nuwber to get the info you need.
It’s All About the Food
At a luxurious dinner party, your guests will expect high-quality food. Therefore, carefully consider what will be served throughout the evening. Plan for multiple courses, such as an appetizer, salad, main course, and dessert. And make sure you’re able to accommodate guests who have dietary restrictions as well (e.g., vegan, vegetarian, gluten free).
Choosing foods that are light yet filling is a great way to go. A luxurious dinner isn’t one that typically serves deep fried, greasy foods. You want your guests to feel energized and satisfied by what they eat.
Most Importantly, Have Fun!
No matter what, it’s important to have fun throughout the planning process as you work on making your dinner party happen. If the process starts to feel a little tedious at times, that’s totally normal, but you should still be able to find the joy in it. Then, when the day of the event arrives, you can feel confident that you did everything you needed to do to give your guests an experience that they will enjoy and remember.