JDID Inc is an established interior design firm based in Taipei, Taiwan. Following the firm’s success in LUXlife’s 2019 Leading Designer Awards, where JDID was named ‘Taiwan’s Best in Modern Home Design’, we spoke to Head Designer JD Yin to find out more about their unique design ethos.
“My main concept about design is based around the idea that ‘Form follows Function’, meaning that every space corresponds to a function or element: flow, light, layer, floor plan, clients’ habits etc. They work together to create individual forms with meaning and harmony.”
– JD Yin on JDID’s design inspiration and style
Perhaps most pressing about JDID’s work is the ‘connectiveness’ of the finished space, uniting elements that other designers tend to push to the wayside, and disregard. Equally, despite that, JDID’s portfolio of work is simple, or as JD describes it, “uncomplicated”.
“JDID’s projects try hard not to present specific techniques, style or atmosphere. The connection between them is an ‘ongoing’ spatial spirit. I will always describe my work as ‘uncomplicated’ instead of ‘simple’. ‘Simple’ is a popular expression that comes from Modernism and became too rational and logical for decoration. The axis of my work is, ultimately, rationality. I use it to integrate the perceptual details when and where they should be perceptual, so the result of work is uncomplicated.
Finally, as a designer, I arrange the elements and functions to express my concept clearly and truly as ‘Temperament’.”
Though he works undoubtedly in the luxury sphere, JD’s works very fits this concept of ‘temperament’. Controlled. Purposeful. Diligent. This idea appeals to his client base, who appreciate that luxury is in the eye of the beholder, and art often transcends the material. “All of JDID’s client have something in common: they don’t pay too much on materials and see being self-conscious as the most important quality in daily life, always aspiring for truth, purity and beauty.”
More than anything, this dedication to truth and beauty, and not materialism, forms the very foundation of JDID’s work as the firm looks to capture this innate purity throughout every project. As such, every project is carefully considered to ensure that it falls in line with their core values. Nothing is rushed. “Many designers, from their first project to their last are unaware that – in their pursuit for improvement – they lose sight of this core element of truth and purity, and Materialism takes over. They lose the core of expression. If a designer can’t keep his own principles of design and style, his faith to aesthetics and creation, he will be stuck sooner or later. Therefore, JDID provides not only professional interior services, but also imagination to every client. We try to understand a clients’ lifestyle and life deeply and comprehensively, creating individual forms for them. It is a two-way communication and constant learning. This approach is the reason why our clients trust us.”
To conclude, JD offers more insight into JDID’s central ethos. “The dialogue between space and people tops practice as a foundation for any space. A designer comprehensively combined plans, elements and ideas, his thought carries through different dimensions. So, as the growing stages of a plant, creativity is constructed step by step in mind, and extends to the space outside. The atmosphere acts as oxygen, applying essential nutrients for the human body and perception.
“A space improved by functions transforms into a ‘place’. The place is improved by emotion expresses creativity. Emotion is built, grown and nurtured gradually. Then emotion will project on functions, and a circulation starts flowing, deconstructing and reconstructing. At last, we will find the perfect combination of elements. We have a refined expression. This is what I believe.”

Name: JD Yin
Address: 6F.-6, No. 415, Sec. 4, Xinyi Rd., Taipei, 106, Taiwan
Website: www.jdid.com.tw
Telephone: +886-2-27588397