Yoga Day

The global celebration of the ancient practice of yoga has arrived, and we are excited to spotlight SVAGATAM.YOGA as we take a closer look at the benefits of taking part. Firmly rooted in the rich history of yoga, SVAGATAM.YOGA is a studio built on love, compassion, and respect for the practice. We explore its contribution to its students and, by extension, the world. There are plenty of styles, methods, and poses to choose from, and we look to SVAGATAM.YOGA for inspiration as we honor this special day together.

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years throughout many parts of the world and running through various different cultures. There are also at least ten unique types of yoga which all offer a plethora of health benefits, but, as SVAGATAM.YOGA is a seasoned expert in Hatha and Vinyasa flow, we want to dig deeper into just a couple of them.

Yoga is used to create a union of mind, body, and soul, which inevitably decreases levels of stress and anxiety, reduces the impact of mental health issues, and deeply conditions and trains the body for strength, resilience, flexibility, and stamina.

Hatha yoga can be used as a term that covers the most common forms of yoga that we see being taught in our modern world. It helps us to improve our mental and physical health through moving our bodies slowly from pose to pose, while being committed to being in the present moment – observing and paying attention to our form and how our bodies feel. This connection between body and mind nourishes us as we learn more about our limitations, and even train our bodies to push past them over time.

Vinyasa yoga is a specific approach to finding a certain flow when moving between poses. This can vary depending on the instructor as they guide us through each pose while coordinating our breathing. By using the breath in this way we are even more connected to our bodies and our vitality. Feeling as though our movement is supported by the power of our breathing, we are reminded of how important and grounding our breath is when we wish to experience the present moment, connection, and relaxation.

SVAGATAM.YOGA ensures its students have the opportunity to practice yoga throughout the year, keeping their fitness levels at their best both mentally and physically. Of course, if you would like to practice yoga with SVAGATAM.YOGA, it has all of the knowledge needed to guide us in uniting our mental focus with expert physical alignment.

Its authentic teaching style helps its students to feel completely educated and expertly guided throughout their journey. No matter what each student practices yoga for, whether it’s for strength or flexibility, mental or spiritual clarity, or any other reasons, SVAGATAM.YOGA has the perfect approach to every class. It helps its students to feel comfortable, happy, and adequately challenged, so that they can experience the best flow for their growth.

The awe-inspiring venue offers a variety of lessons, including meditation classes and breathing exercises, to compliment the yoga taught. SVAGATAM.YOGA teaches people of all ages and abilities within its stunning venue – which offers a peaceful setting for the ultimate level of mindfulness and relaxation. The windows allow sunlight to soak each individual with rays that boost happiness and confidence, and moonlight to connect people to nature and their deep intuition and emotions.

Also providing a place for online shopping, teacher training, workshops, Kirtan, mantra music, and even a retreat in Italy, SVAGATAM.YOGA does more than teach people how to successfully practice yoga. This award winning business has truly altered the way its students experience their own mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing – helping them to navigate everyday life and influencing those around them to feel more connected.

Winning Best New Yoga Studio 2021 and 2022’s Leading Yoga Studio, both in all of Köln, SVAGATAM.YOGA has been recognised for its dedication and growth over the years. We are proud to say that SVAGATAM.YOGA’s powerful offerings help us to experience balance within and around us. As we join in with each class, we find we feel more connected to ourselves and those who surround us. This equilibrium generates a peaceful mindset and opens us up to a more satisfying, healthy, and spiritual life.

For the future, SVAGATAM.YOGA is planning another retreat in Bali and a trip to India in 2024. We are sure to see it flourish even further as it delivers these kinds of experiences to its students, allowing them to learn, explore, and practice yoga in such beautiful and sacred places.

Find your inner glow and deep truth by practicing yoga and head over to SVAGATAM.YOGA’s website for more information today.

For further information, please contact Saskia Rettig or visit