2021 LUX Global Vegan Awards Packages
Company Name Awards Title 2 0 2 1 awards Vegan Global • Full page of dedicated content - Approximately 800 words. Take advantage of our circulation & web traffic with a dedicated page of editorial in the Global Vegan Awards celebratory magazine which can be used in your own promotional and celebratory activities. The piece will be created by our in-house editorial and design team and you will receive a high-resolution PDF copy of your inclusion. • 1 crystal trophy Each trophy is personalised by our in-house creative team to feature an award title, company name and company logo; serving as a great way and as a physical reminder to share the news of your win with customers and clients • Personalised digital logo - our design team will work with you to create a custom logo that works with your existing branding AND promotes your recent achievement. Compatible with all digital platforms such as websites and social media, the logo is printable, so you can print it onto flyers, business cards, newsletters etc. Level Two Package 595 GBP
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