2022 Private Education Awards

Education Private awards 2022 Our Packages

Welcome Private Education Awards Education is a key aspect for all individuals across the globe to ensure that we continue to grow our knowledge and understanding of all curriculums, fostering development of both the individual and society. Therefore, we are proud to announce the return of our annual Private Education Awards 2022 proudly hosted by LUXlife magazine. A vital social and cultural right, education plays a significant role in reducing poverty and promoting tolerance, development and economic growth to communities around the globe, so it seems only proper to acknowledge all who make this vital sector operate adroitly and with proficiency.

Whether you are involved in the administration of an institution, supply goods and services to an educational enterprise or are on the front lines of subject and course delivery, the Private Education Awards 2022 will provide a platform for you to demonstrate your expertise. Complimentary Package Entry into the SEO LUX Private Education Awards 2022 Directory Access to & use of the official press release

Leader Package Company Name Award Title 2 0 2 2 awards Private Education 695 GBP/ 938 USD For those looking to capitalise upon their accomplishment in a budget-friendly way, our Leader Package is the go-to option. Increase brand exposure and widen your client pool with custom digital and physical branding and a full page of editorial space. Full page of editorial Crystal trophy Personalised digital logo Shipping Included

2 pages of editorial (double page spread) 1 crystal trophy Personalised digital logo Bespoke digital certificate Shipping Included Company Name Award Title 2 0 2 2 awards Private Education Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE Education Private awards 2022 LUXlife M A G A Z I N E Pioneer Package 995 GBP/ 1,343 USD Building on the exposure levels of the previous package, the Pioneer Package will provide you with an exclusive double-page spread, great for extended coverage. This option will also provide you with a selection of personalised digital and physical assets, expertly designed to help you share news of your success.

Supporting cover image and headline 2 pages of editorial (double page spread) 1 crystal trophy 1 wall plaque Personalised digital logo Bespoke digital certificate 4-page e-magazine dedicated solely to you/your company Shipping Included 2,995 GBP/ 4,043 USD Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE Education Private awards 2022 LUXlife M A G A Z I N E Company Name Award Title 2 0 2 2 awards Private Education Our Executive promotional package allows you to benefit from superb editorial space and your logo on the front cover of LUXlife’s Private Education Awards Magazine. In addition to bespoke digital items created just for you, you’ll be able to propel your achievement to new audiences. Executive Package

Main front cover image and headline 4 pages of editorial 2 crystal trophies 1 wall plaque Personalised digital logo Bespoke digital certificate 8-page e-magazine dedicated solely to you/your company 100 printed copies of your personalised e-magazine 2 pages of editorial (double page spread) in next issue of LUXlife Shipping Included Editor’s Choice Package 4,995 GBP / 6,543 USD Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE Education Private awards 2022 LUXlife M A G A Z I N E Company Name Award Title 2 0 2 2 awards Private Education Offering the most coveted and recognisable spot via LUXlife’s front cover offering, The Editor’s Choice package is ideal for demonstrating supreme excellence in your field. Of all pages, readers spend the most time looking at the front cover, and with your image in the foremost position you will attain maximum exposure for your brand, alongside premium editorial space and coverage in the winner’s supplement. With our high-quality bespoke crystal trophies, wall mounted plaques and digital certificate, you will secure vital customer confidence and proudly demonstrate immediately the professionalism and excellence of your enterprise.

Crystal trophy (incl. shipping): 325 GBP/ 463 USD Wall plaque (incl. shipping): 355 GBP/ 463 USD Personalised digital logo: 250 GBP/ 337 USD Bespoke digital certificate: 250 GBP/ 337 USD Full page of editorial: 395 GBP/ 533 USD Individual items Crystal trophy Slate trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate Company Name Award Title 2 0 2 2 awards Private Education Award Title Company Name/Logo Have Been Named: This is to certify that: CERTIFICATE Education Private awards 2022 LUXlife M A G A Z I N E