Distillery & Brewing Awards Packages 2023

Package Examples

About Us Introduction LUXlife is proud to announce the launch of the Distillery and Brewing Awards 2023. For its inaugural edition on the LUXlife platform, this programme will spotlight and showcase the cream of the crop from across the international brewing and distilling industry. The Distillery and Brewing Awards 2023 will shine a light on the industry leaders who are revolutionising the sector. From craft breweries, family-run distilleries, and micro-breweries to brewpubs and taprooms, this is an industry that is firmly established in everyday life. With more craft breweries and distilleries established each year, this industry shows no signs of slowing down! In a competitive market, today’s breweries and distilleries are characterised by their ability to adapt, overcome, and embrace innovation, with resiliency a crucial component to a company’s success. Turning to greener methods of production, and tailoring products to the consumer palate are just a few examples of new developments within the industry. Trends also suggest that many breweries are now focused on finding their niche, leading to greater diversity in the market and the opportunity to stand out amongst the crowd! www.lux-review.com

Bronze Package 695 GBP Full page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo

Silver Package 2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 995 GBP

Gold Package Your company logo on the Front Cover 2 page article Bespoke trophy Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 1,595 GBP

Limited Availability Platinum Package Supporting front cover image & headline 2 page article Bespoke trophy Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 4-page digital brochure 2,995 GBP

Only one Available Editor’s Choice Package Main front cover image & headline 4 page article placed at the front end of the magazine 2 Bespoke trophies 1 Wall plaque Personalised digital logo Personalised digital certificate 8-page digital brochure 100 high quality copies of your 8-page brochure Double page spread in a future edition of LUXlife 4,995 GBP

Luxury Essentials Bespoke trophy: 345 GBP Slate trophy: 345 GBP Wall plaque: 345 GBP Personalised digital logo: 245 GBP Personalised digital certificate: 245 GBP Full page editorial: 395 GBP

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