Health, Beauty & Wellness Awards 2024

Jun22596 16 | LUXlife Magazine Across the Goode Health brand, Nicole Goode leverages her postgraduate knowledge concerning autoimmune diseases, thyroid conditions and fatigue conditions, and optimising broader health and longevity for the benefit of creative individuals and ambitious high achievers alike. From stress and lifestyle coaching to enhancing energy and performance, Goode Health is the place to go for a bespoke, fully personalised, and life-changing medicine and advice programme, something corroborated by its clients worldwide. Celebrated here particularly for its offering of The Goode Health Clinic, this area of Goode Health’s operation sees Nicole and her team offer a range of services to clients that transform their lifestyles, all beginning with the first step, a functional health assessment. These health assessments have been meticulously designed to allow a client to take back control of their present and future health. The team make all clients feel as comfortable as possible, explaining the results and offering solutions to maximise their health and wellbeing. Other services include a comprehensive onehour health consultation that is followed by a 30-day nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement plan tailored to the individual, with any recommended tests also included if the team feel they are necessary. Then there is a ten-day reset, the Thyroid Reset, which offers clients ten days to fully reset their system, boosting their energy and ultimately strengthening their immunity. Excitingly, Nicole tells us that a similar energy-themed reset is coming soon and is sure to yield similarly great results. Those really seeking to make the most of these services may prefer the luxury retreats on offer, with half- or full-day experiences provided at a number of locations, all tailored to a client’s individual health profile. Depending on which day a client chooses, they are afforded such unique services as a full functional health assessment, an array of personalised treatments, and more generalised lunch and spa activities. This great experience can even be enjoyed with a friend, underpinning the clientcentric nature Goode Health strives to achieve. Remarkably, things do not end here, with The Goode Health Clinic also providing health memberships, and subsequent opportunities for membership holders to take a deep dive into their individual health. Apr24570 Functional Medicine Clinic of the Year 2024 - UK Nicole Goode is the visionary behind Goode Health, an enterprise consisting of The Goode Health Clinic, The Goode Health Podcast, and upcoming book Optimal You. Aside from being the founder and director of the clinic, Nicole is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, a registered nutritional therapy practitioner, and a BANT registered nutritionist. Associate status to the Royal Society of Medicine and membership to the Institute for Functional Medicine further distinguish Nicole, who is today of one of the UK’s leading voices on the topics of immune health and energy. Across these memberships, which last between three and 12 months, a client will learn their root causes, set themselves up for a healthier future, and ultimately become the best version of themselves. There are currently three different versions of this membership available, each expertly tackling specific areas of concern for a client. The first of these, The MitoImmune Way, is a new hybrid one-to-one/ group-based programme tackling thyroid and fatigue issues. Similarly, the second membership option, Find Freedom, also helps to manage thyroid and fatigue conditions, extending also to complex autoimmune diseases or unexplained cases, in a six-month personalised service delivered in one-toone sessions built around the individual. Finally, The Secret offers clients an unlimited and collaborative year-long investment to optimise their health, helping them to unlock the ability to live healthier for longer. Commenting on these highly personalised memberships, Nicole reinforces the difference between her offerings and the usual courses, particularly concerning The MitoImmune Way, which only launched earlier this year. Whereas other courses often cover a different topic each week, in lieu of this, Goode Health offers an entirely personalised programme designed to get to the bottom of each person’s underlying root causes. These unique plans are key to lasting success, as health is certainly not a one-size-fitsall process. Across the options afforded to clients by The Goode Health Clinic, what really shines through is Nicole’s keenness to tweak and update her company’s services based on demand from wider society, as seen in her recent focus on stress. Despite having always dealt with stress due to it being the root cause of many of the chronic conditions in which she specialises, Nicole has noticed that our increasingly fast-paced lifestyles have been impacting the health of people usually deemed to be fit and healthy. As Nicole explains it, “stress leads to burnout and sub-optimal health, which if left leads to the chronic immune conditions I regularly work with. As functional medicine focuses on jumping in early, I recognised a need to support people in reaching and maintaining optimal health, to be able to