Home BuilderAwards 2023

Home Builder Awards 2023 BUILD 27 Jan23580 ehind every DIY project is someone who has spent far too much time learning the fundamentals of the process before even being able to start on building. Constructing anything can be exceptionally difficult, regardless of the material you’re working with. But when it comes to metalwork, particularly hollow metal, it can be even more intimidating. Not only does metalwork require a vast knowledge of measuring and welding, but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. That’s where Kwiktech comes in - their joiners allow you to complete your project in a fraction of the time without needing any specialized equipment. Kwiktech specializes in joining hollow metals to build strong, flush, and functional frames. They have developed a multitude of connection kits, with their most popular being a shed building kit, that are essentially fool-proof. Anyone can pick up a Kwiktech kit and start building, whether you have any DIY experience or not. Clear directions and a passion for helping anyone with questions relating to their builds make Kwiktech easy and reliable. With Kwiktech, building nerves become a thing of the past. Thanks to the ingenious design and exactitude of Kwiktech, all of the complicated math is done for you, resulting in a perfectly formed build that takes all of the complicated parts out of the equation. This allows you to utilize cladding wherever you see fit, thanks to Kwiktech’s ability to help you produce objectively precise framework. Kwiktech’s hollow metal joining technology completely eliminates the need for welding. With a rigid composure that is inserted directly onto and into your hollow metal, Kwiktech joiners are able to withstand incredible loads with no issues whatsoever. You needn’t worry about your projects falling apart - Kwiktech is designed to brace for structural integrity and does the same job for over a third of the effort without distortion. Controlled experiments have found that Kwiktech introduces an assembly method that’s three times faster than welding, making it the most adaptable hollow metal joining solution currently on the market. So, if you’ve ever been put off by the complexity of creating any type of hollow metal framework, you can put your worries to rest and give award-winning Kwiktech a try. You may just surprise yourself with what you’re able to build. Contact: Nick Schutz Company: Kwiktech Web Address: https://kwiktech.com.au/ B Learning how to weld can be expensive and time-consuming, but with Kwiktech’s innovative products, you can tackle any metalworking DIY project without any experience or anxiety. Let’s explore how Kwiktech’s award-winning joiners can change your DIY lifestyle forever. Most Adaptable Hollow Metal Joining Solution 2023