Pet Products & Services Awards 2023 | 21 Finnish company PAIKKA was born from the need for hard-wearing pet essentials, designed from a dog’s perspective. Its lifestyle products are durable, sustainable, and tough enough to withstand the yearround seasonal conditions of Finland. Its overriding passion as a company is to make pets lives better. Most Durable & Sustainable Pet Products Brand - Finland PAIKKA is a female powered company, populated by a small but superstar team. Together they have over 30 years of experience in the fashion and design industries. There are also staff members who are professional dog trainers and physiotherapists. All of them share the same passion to make pets lives better all round. It is a fast-growing company, welcoming new customers and products to the fold all the time. It has plans to open in 10 new markets this year, all the way from New Zealand to Canada. There are also plans afoot to launch more than 10 unique new products. PAIKKA partners with some big names such as Selfridges & Co, Bloomingdales,, First Vet and Pet Smart. It has also been featured in Pet Business, Business Insider and Pet Product News. Now it has been awarded Most Durable & Sustainable Pet Products Brand – Finland, it would seem there’s no stopping this incredible company, and its fabulous belief that every product designed for your dog should be designed just as well and profoundly as those for human beings. Company: Paikka Web Address: Contact Name: Tea Kainu AIKKA is dedicated to offering unique, human-grade pet accessories for use both outdoors and indoors. It wants to create the very best for its customer’s dogs, but also do good for the planet. It does this by choosing the most environmentally friendly materials possible, but without compromising on safety or the necessary features of the product. It is committed to continuous improvement of its processes, and repurposing its textile residues. Each PAIKKA design is created with the best and most durable materials, alongside respected partners who are famed for making outdoor apparel, high fashion, and award-winning designs for humans. PAIKKA thinks it is essential its products be long-lasting, even in the toughest conditions Finnish nature can impose. This is why it is paramount for it to respect our shared environment. PAIKKA’s products use unique and patented technology. It is perhaps best known for its PAIKKA cooling bowls, with (patented) cooling tech. These bowls will keep food or water fresh for up to 10 hours, without the need for electricity or any other external power source. The cool bowls benefits from beautiful Scandinavian design, and encourage pets to drink more to stay hydrated and healthy. All the unique ceramic bowls require is to be soaked under tap water for 45 seconds, and the cooling effect will be activated. Other unique materials are used in PAIKKA recovery products such as clothes, beds, and blankets. These materials help to boost recovery for tired dogs by promoting blood circulation and increasing oxygen levels in the blood. They use a Special Far infrared (FIR) emitting material designed to boost the natural recovery process post-exercise. These blankets contain a wool mix for warmth, and can even be shared. They work equally as well for humans! PAIKKA follows trends from the human industry very carefully, as much is readily adaptable. Its in-house team has a wealth of experience within the (human) fashion and sports industries, and in addition all PAIKKA products are produced in factories which only produce human-grade products. This enables access to trends long before many competitors, and allows PAIKKA itself to be something of a real trendsetter. P