Oct19159 Sleep Consultant of theYear 2019 – Scotland A good night’s sleep is so important to enjoying life, but it isn’t always easy with new-born children. Sleep deprivation can cause stress, anxiety and exhaustion, and when it does, it’s time to call in the ‘Fairy Sleep Mother’. Having spent 18 months struggling to get her twin boys into a regular sleeping pattern, Eileen Macdonald was recommended a sleep specialist by a fellow mum. By all regards, it changed her life for the better. Now a certified sleep specialist herself and working under the title of ‘Fairy Sleep Mother’, Eileen helps other new families, so they don’t have to suffer in the same ways that she did. Ultimately, Eileen is dedicated to gaining the trust of new parents and parents to be, offering personalised one-to-one services specific to each individual case. She is fully aware that no situation is identical and provides bespoke guidance that gives a good night’s sleep to both parent and child. Moreover, Eileen is fully qualified to offer support to a wide selection of families who have children from 4 months to 6 years old. Throughout the process, Eileen’s techniques are designed to ensure the bond between child and parent is kept strong, while also encouraging independent sleep habits going forward. “I am also on hand to offer expert advice and support either in a preventative capacity for expectant parents, or a responsive capacity for families who are identifying sleep challenges with their children for any reason.”- Eileen Macdonald Alongside her one-to-one services, Eileen also offers free information workshops in Scotland, alongside webinars that give her a global audience. Using online technology, she is able to offer advice in a Q&A or consultant call, making her easily assessable and available to parents at a potentially stressful point in their lives. Adding in her money back guarantee if there’s no improvement, Eileen has worked incredibly hard to gain the trust of her clients. Moving forward, Eileen hopes to take the ‘Fairy Sleep Mother’ out of Scotland and offer her free information workshops nation-wide. Sleep is so important to well-being and ultimately, Eileen wants to ensure that all parents out there can enjoy time with their new-borns, rested, informed and confident that they’re doing a good job. Contact: Eileen Macdonald Company: Fairy Sleep Mother Telephone: +44 7837513923 [email protected] www.fairysleepmother.co.uk