Winter 2024

Winter 2024 | 13 Produced using the world’s finest potatoes, Royal Mash is a premium vodka best known for the exclusive Jersey Royal potatoes from which it is made. Renowned for its high quality products, in addition to its resolute efforts towards sustainability, Royal Mash has been recognised in the Perfect Gift Awards 2024. Below, we take a closer look at Royal Mash, and the ways in which it achieves excellence. Best Sustainable Spirits Brand 2024 – Western Europe “heads”, to discard any impurities. The next segment is referred to as the “heart”, and is the part kept and bottled, whilst the final 10% of the distillation, known as the “tails” is discarded. If this were not removed, the vodka would have a far different, and incredibly bitter, taste. Once both the “heads” and “tails” of the distillate have been removed, the “heart” is diluted using reverse osmosis water. This allows it to arrive at the required 40% ABV, before the final taste test takes place. Finally, once the product has been approved, it is then bottled, labelled, and ready to be shared with vodka-lovers everywhere. Royal Mash is classified as a vintage vodka due to the unparalleled Jersey Potatoes that have come to be a cornerstone of the business. The planting season begins in December, with the precious product planted in glass houses or polytunnels, placed carefully by hand to ensure an even growth. Early each year, the Jersey Royal company’s south facing côtils are planted first, due to suffering from the least amount of frost. Not only is each potato planted by hand, but the ground is also ploughed by hand to ensure maximum quality. These earliest potatoes are arguably the best of the season and very highly sought after. The Jersey Royal season is hailed to mark the start of the spring season, by chefs around the world as well as Jersey locals. Each year, the crop is slightly different, impacted by its environment in the same manner that varying climates and terroir alter the taste of grapes harvested for wine. The company’s dependency on this fine, annual crop of Jersey Royal potatoes, effected from year to year by the differences of the terroir and produce, makes Royal Mash a vintage vodka. Although the vodka’s taste is ever-so-slightly different with each year, the Master Distiller’s methodology of preserving only the “heart” of the distillate means that the change is barely discernible within the finished product. Since its inception, Royal Mash has strived to deliver a high quality vodka that is as premium as it is sustainable. By working closely with The Jersey Royal Company, Royal Mash mitigates crop wastage and makes spectacular use of potatoes that would have otherwise been thrown away. From its eco-friendly resourcing to streamlined distillation process, sophisticated flavour, it is evident that Royal Mash is the one to beat. Looking ahead, we expect another year of excellence from Royal Mash, as it continues to deliver unparalleled products and proves itself to be the Best Sustainable Spirits Brand 2024 – Western Europe. Contact: Rachel de Caen - Company: Royal Mash Limited ounded in 2019, Royal Mash is a leading vodka provider located on the stunning island of Jersey, famous for producing the only potatoes known to boast the equivalent of an ‘appellation d’origine contrôlée’. Using oversized Jersey Royal potatoes that would otherwise go to waste, Royal Mash has expertly developed a sustainable 40% ABV vodka. The vodka is hand-crafted, each batch individually taste-tested, approved, and signed off. Boasting the highest quality ingredients, Royal Mash promises to deliver a product of equally superb quality, with the vodka even holding its own when blind-tasted against similar, wellestablished brands. This is due to the expert blend of top-tier ingredients, brand owners possessing elegant tastes, an expert Master Distiller, and a streamlined distillation process that guarantees the purest, sustainable, and memorable spirit. Royal Mash’s distillation has been optimised and refined to ensure the very best product. First, the Jersey Royal potatoes are harvested, washed, and secured into one tonne bags, and shipped to the United Kingdom so the Master Distiller can work his magic. The Jersey Royals are cooked to a mash and treated with enzymes, and yeast and left to ferment. Then the mash is combined with sugar wash and put into bespoke 200 litre copper stills. The vodka is brought to 96% ABV using a 3.9m rectifying column. The entire distillation process takes between 12-14 hours. Thanks to the shape of the bespoke stills, the Master Distiller can accurately remove the right amount of the distillate, known as the “heads”, to discard any impurities. The next segment is referred to as the “heart”, and is the part kept and bottled, whilst the final 10% of the distillation, known as the “tails” is discarded. If this were not removed, the vodka would have a far different, and incredibly bitter, taste. Thanks to the shape of the bespoke stills, the Master Distiller can accurately remove the right amount of the distillate, known as the F