Swiss Cuban Cigars is the biggest retailer of authentic Cuban cigars online. Based in Gran Canaria, Spain, Swiss Cuban Cigars has been selling Cuban cigars online to cigar lovers all around the world
A combination of great customer service from the experienced team and the largest selection of the most popular cigars available online makes the Swiss Cuban Cigars experience a customer favourite.
Avoid fake Cuban cigars by buying Cuban cigars online from reputable sellers
Cuban cigars are, of course, one of the most commonly counterfeited products in the world. Customers looking for only the best Cuban cigars and a guaranteed avoidance of fake Cuban cigars have to go with a reputable retailer.
Fake cigars are easily available online and those looking to buy Cuban cigars for a special occasion need to be careful where they search.
Swiss Cuban Cigars prides itself on having a great customer service team who can advise on all the cigars available, but also on its absolute guarantee that all cigars are very high quality and come complete with the green seal and original sealed box that proves authenticity.
A wide range of different brands are available from Swiss Cuban Cigars
From Romeo y Julieta to Montecristo, there are lots of great cigars available from Swiss Cuban, all with fast worldwide shipping, secure payments, fast delivery and a fair price.
Swiss Cuban Cigars believes that whether this is the customer’s first purchase, second third or 100th purchase, the service and quality is always there.
The customer service team understand that customers looking to find cigars are either aficionados or those looking for a special occasion purchase.
Either way, they offer the same great service, exact boxes and expert knowledge from the first order to the last. All cigars should arrive in good condition, for example, with a great price and guarantee of no fake products.
Reviews of cigar brands helps customers make the right choice
As well as the excellent service, secure payments and sheer range of cigars available from Swiss Cuban Cigars, the team also write reviews of cigars.
These reviews cover everything from the flavour profile to analysis of the tobacco growing regions of origin (usually the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba).
So, whether you’re looking for guidance on what to buy for a wedding or other special occasion, or want to find out how a specific brand smokes, for example, there’s plenty of knowledge on offer.
In this blog, the Swiss Cuban team is looking at the history of the Montecristo brand of cigars, including how the same cigar tastes and what kind of smoked experience customers can expect.
The origins of the brand
Montecristo cigars are produced by Habanos SA in Cuba and, separately, in the Dominican Republic. Here’s the history of this brand.
Back in July 1935, Alonso Menendez acquired the Particulares Factory, which used to produce its own brand. On buying the factory, Menendez created and launched a totally new brand of cigars – the Montecristo.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the name originates from The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas. It’s said that this book was extremely popular with the men rolling cigars on the factory floor.
While these torcedores worked at rolling cigars, the lector would read from various books of the day.
Developing the brand logo and design
The logo for the Montecristo cigar brand was designed by John Hunter Morris for the cigar brand’s distributor in the UK. The logo is a design of six swords forming a triangle around a central fleur de lis.
Twelve months after buying the Particulares Factory, Menendez founded a brand new company – Menendez Garcia y Cia. And, as the Montecristo cigar brand became more and more popular, Menendez and his business partner were able to buy another factory.
This second acquisition was the H Upmann Factory, which had been established in 1844. By 1937, however, it was struggling and the then owner J Frankau SA was more than happy to sell to Menendez.
The production of the Montecristo brand was immediately transferred to this new factory.
One of the most popular Cuban cigars in the world
The popularity of the brand increased steadily all around the world. Today, the Montecristo cigar brand is responsible for about 25% of the global sales of Habanos SA. In other words, it’s the most popular Cuban cigar in the world.
During the revolution in Cuba, both partners fled the country and while they attempted to relaunch the brand in the Canary Islands, the state company Habanos SA forced them to drop that idea.
Taking the brand forward into the 1970s
Following their demise, the reigns of development were handed over to one of the best torcedores (rollers) at the factory. His name was Jose Manuel Gonzalez and he began to bring the brand up to date.
During the 1970s and 80s, five brand new sizes were added to the range of cigars. These were:
- The Petit Turbo.
- The Joyita.
- Especial No. 1.
- Especial No 2.
- The A.
Throughout these decades, the brand continued to become more and more popular in Cuba itself and around the world.
Special editions and additions to the range
Fast forward to 2022 and the No 2 is one of the most popular and best loved Cuban cigars around.
In 2004, another size was added to the range – the Edmundo. This is a robusto and so is large and is named after Edmond Dantes, the hero of the Dumas novel the entire brand takes its name from.
Habanos SA frequently includes the brand in its special edition and limited edition releases for anniversaries, special occasions and charitable causes.
One of these regional special edition releases in 2007 came with the Edmundo Dantes 109. These special releases are all numbered and, of course, the number produced is extremely limited making them real collector’s items.
Anniversary lines added
Further releases include the 2009 line featuring lighter cigars. This was released at the Festival de Habano and, while the line was originally going to be named ‘Sport’, EU rules forced a change to ‘Open’.
The Open line included vitolas (sizes) of cigars named after various sporting pursuits, ranging from yachting to golf.
March 2015 was the 80th anniversary of the Montecristo cigar, and at this point the 80 Anniversario was released.
Ultra exclusive, this cigar came presented in a beautiful polished wood box. Released in August 2016. this line only ever consisted of 30,000 boxes.
What is the smoking experience and flavour profile of the brand?
Let’s have a closer look at what the Swiss Cuban team think of the smokability of the No 2. As we’ve touched on, in addition to the great service, fast shipping and wide range of cigars on offer to buy online, Swiss Cuban Cigars really care about the cigar itself.
Part of their excellent service includes reviewing a specific cigar and assessing its quality, how the smoke can be enjoyed, where the tobacco comes from and the general quality of the brand and size.
Here’s what they think of the Montecristo No 2.
The No 2 is made by Habanos SA in Cuba and is a Torpedo shaped cigar. It is also very large, tapering out at the head and becoming wider towards the base.
It has a 52 ring gauge, which gives you a good indication of its large size. The cigar has a light brown wrapper surrounding well-paced tobacco. And, of course, each cigar has the well known brand logo.
Its flavour profile is complex, with a spicy, bold mouthfeel. However, while it’s rich it’s not too rich and the complexity remains harmonious. It’s this blend that has led to its immense popularity with smokers, as they enjoy the mix of flavours.
Hand rolled using the finest tobacco in Havana
The No 2 is hand rolled and packed with Cuban tobacco, which gives the unmistakably enjoyable smoke experience so loved by aficionados the world over. It uses tobacco from the Vuelta abajo region, which is home to the finest grade Cuban tobacco, and each box is carefully packed.
While the hand rolling technique does lead to a cigar that is tightly packed with high quality tobacco, it remains open enough to give a pleasing draw when you inhale. In fact, one of the most commonly cited positives for the No 2 is the consistency of the draw all the way through the smoke experience.
The first cold draw on the cigar introduces hints of cedar and espresso – these bold flavours blend together very well. Soon enough they become rather sweeter before switching to creamy and leathery flavours. Finally you can expect oak and cedar woody flavours too.
Review: mouthfeel and taste profile
The first third gives you hints of nutmeg, almond and cinnamon with light and aromatic smoke. You can expect it to feel mild during the first third of the cigar, but as it burns it will become more solid.
The second third gives you immediate flavours of black and white pepper. This comes off the back of the woodsy flavours during the cold draw and first third, before resolving into a creamier cinnamon flavour.
While the smoke remains smooth it does start to become stronger at this point, as the cigar becomes heavier. So you can expect a spicier flavour profile here. These shifting flavours are a mark of the Montecristo brand, as it becomes fuller as you head towards the final third.
Changing flavours and richness
By the time you reach the final third of the No 2 it’s become a full bodied, rich and bold cigar. However, the quality of the blend means it doesn’t become too overpowering or too rich, maintaining an enjoyable mouthfeel all the way through.
It burns consistently well, all the way to the end of the final third, making it a great cigar for new smokers as well as those who have long enjoyed this brand.
Overall, it’s definitely a case of the quality matching the size when it comes to this cigar. It’s complex but never loses the subtle smoothness that you need to truly enjoy the smoke, and there are surprises along the way.
Best sellers and it’s easy to see why
The company sells many boxes of this Havana special, and consistently have great feedback from customers, whether they’re placing their first order or one of many.
While Swiss Cuban Cigars is based in Spain, its knowledge of cigar brands is firmly based in Cuba itself.
There is a reason that Cubans remain some of the most popular cigars available on the market, and as a shop, Swiss Cuban Cigars is careful to give all of the relevant information on different brands as well as great service.
The company is backed by a team with years of experience in selling Cuban cigars at the right price. Each box is clearly marked as authentic Cubans, allowing customers to shop freely with peace of mind.
And, of course, their reviews give customers a great idea of what to expect from each box of cigars on offer.
This in-depth knowledge complements the easy and secure payments, competitive price points and excellent services offered by the site.
Montecristo is one of the best selling brands for the site, given that they are consistently high quality, with the reviews to back this up.