None of us like to admit it, but there are many people in the world who have suffered unjust treatment from others. As a result of this pain, they’re made to feel as though they have to shut themselves away from the world, unsure if they’ll ever be able to emerge again. Having experienced this very feeling first-hand, Nannette Shepherd is wellness coach who has committed herself to reminding women of their worth, and uplifting them through the power of holistic pain relief massages, mindset training, healing, and much more. Below, we venture into how Nannette has cultivated a waypoint for challenged women who are hoping to rediscover how it feels to love themselves, while also learning to love herself in the process.
Specialising in assisting those suffering from chronic pain conditions, as well as women looking to embark on the daunting journey through overcoming traumatic experiences, Nannette Shepherd is a magnificent mind and body health coach who has transformed her past into a conduit for helping others. Having initially started as a sports therapy expert, Nannette’s seamless transition into clinical therapies has seen her frequently uplifting women to live the lives they deserve. Be it through assisting them with overcoming chronic joint pain, or advising them on self-care methods, Nannette is prepared to leverage eighteen years of mastery to foster tangible results.
Of course, no two experiences are the same. Though they may share a resemblance, it’s an undeniable truth that every person is different. We all have our own little quirks, habits, and ways of responding to incoming information, making it difficult for various wellness coaches to adapt to the more intricate nuances of their clients. Nannette, however, has an astounding awareness of the individuality behind each woman’s experience, and shapes her healing programmes around their varying needs. Only by listening can one truly understand how to guide another through their healing journey, and Nannette has gotten this practise down to an art.
In doing so, she has managed to develop an environment in which any person can feel comfortable. From the moment she took on the responsibility of helping others, Nannette believed in creating a relaxed and safe atmosphere, and therefore placed incredible emphasis on understanding a client through and through. Whether they wish to share the more personal details of their life, or are simply looking for someone who’s willing to lend an ear throughout the healing process, Nannette promises to see the vision of individual people, and further develop on the connections formed. Somehow, Nannette has established an unconscious knack for tapping into her clients’ auras, immediately creating a harmony with them that ultimately leads their wellbeing ventures forward.
This very resonance is what truly defines Nannette’s practises. Not only does she go out of her way to form genuine bonds with her clients, but she pulls from her own life experiences whenever necessary in order to empower the women around her. In doing so, she has developed a means for individuals to receive exceptional levels of care, while simultaneously benefitting from a mutual understanding that will never fail to make them feel comfortable. In Nannette’s eyes, healing shouldn’t be limited by jargon and complicated steps, and should instead unfold as a natural woman-to-woman connection – one that’s conveyed through Nannette’s signature ‘Whole Approach’ coaching style.
But what exactly does it mean to be a ‘Whole Approach’ coach? In essence, Nannette constructs wellness programmes that respond to the needs of her clients, while integrating her experiences to create an approach that tackles whatever someone may wish to focus on. For example, Nannette’s clinical capabilities are exemplary, and yet she still holds a mastery over holistic healing that plays a key role in relieving women of the stresses that may be weighing them down. Working with both physical and mental health alleviation, Nannette promises solutions to various types of problems, granting women unrestricted access to thoughtful wellness services that prioritise their individual circumstances.
However, Nannette brings more than almost two decades of knowledge to her practises – in addition to her impressive tenure, she has tirelessly worked to transform her own traumatic experiences into empathetic approaches that hold the power to strengthen her bond with her clients. Having gone through a myriad of terrible childhood experiences, Nannette understands how it feels to doubt one’s own capabilities, and just how detrimental that can be to a person’s physical and mental health. And yet, just as she uplifted herself after much strife and self-deprecation, Nannette has pledged to help other women across the region do the same. True, she has spent eighteen years perfecting her craft, but it has been within the past two years specifically that Nannette has flourished into the beautiful woman she has always been at heart.
Through her work, Nannette hopes that she can encourage self-healing among women, while simultaneously assisting them with any chronic joint pain they may be facing. While doing so, she actively expresses that, no matter how dire a person’s situation may be, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. Once upon a time, Nannette refuted this very notion, certain that no amount of healing could help her to recover from the pain she had endured, and yet she made the most of her situation instead of letting it take over. Now, she’s established herself as a spectacular women – one who genuinely cares about the people she helps, and is willing to do whatever it takes to set them on the journey of recovery and self-love.
Challenging one’s own doubts is never an easy feat to accomplish. Thankfully, there are those dedicated to supporting women – women who, for the first time in their lives, have finally had the courage to prioritise their own wellbeing over the negativity smothering them – and Nannette Shepherd is one such individual. For over 35 years, Nannette has battled against her own struggles, overcome her doubts, and learned to love herself for the sake of women across the region. No matter how cruel life has been to you, there’s always somebody willing to help you through it, and no woman is more eager to do so than the outstanding Nannette Shepherd.
For business enquiries, contact Nannette Shepherd on her LinkedIn – https://uk.linkedin.com/in/nannette-shepherd-52834890 or Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/NetPT.co.uk/