Many of us are continually striving to live a healthier life. From diets to exercise routines, people are always searching for ways to improve their physical and mental well-being. Where we call home has a massive impact on our well-being journey. Various factors, including healthcare systems, lifestyle choices, and social determinants, contribute to the overall health of a nation. In today’s article, we’ll explore some of the healthiest countries to live in, and delve into why the residents of these countries enjoy a high quality of life and longevity.


Japan consistently ranks among the healthiest countries globally, boasting an impressive life expectancy. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, Japan’s life expectancy at birth was 84.3 years in 2019 – that’s no small feat! The Japanese lifestyle, characterised by a balanced diet rich in fish and vegetables, low obesity rates, and strong community ties, contributes to the overall well-being of Japan residents. The country’s advanced healthcare system and emphasis on preventive care also play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy population.


Iceland has a near-perfect combo for staying healthy. Its pristine environment, low pollution levels, and commitment to a healthy lifestyle contribute to the well-being of its population. Many people living in Iceland have a diet rich in fish, along with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, and access to good-quality water. Couple this with an active lifestyle that includes outdoor activities, and it comes as no surprise that  Icelanders have a high life expectancy. Additionally, a well-functioning healthcare system ensures timely access to medical services when they’re needed.


Switzerland is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, but it also stands out for its robust healthcare system and high standard of living. Recently, Compare the Market created an index of data comparing health factors for 48 different countries, which saw Switzerland come out on top. Many Swiss prioritise regular exercise and healthy eating, and the nation’s healthcare services are accessible and of high quality. The combination of a strong economy, excellent healthcare, and a focus on wellness contributes to Switzerland’s status as one of the healthiest countries in the world.


Singapore, with its efficient healthcare system and focus on disease prevention, has earned a reputation for being one of the healthiest nations in Asia (and around the globe). For example, the passing of the Infectious Diseases Act has made immunising young children against vaccine-preventable diseases mandatory in the country. The city-state places a strong emphasis on public health campaigns, promoting healthy eating, regular exercise, and mental well-being. The result? A population with a high life expectancy and a relatively low prevalence of chronic diseases.


The final country on our list is Sweden. Sweden places a strong emphasis on social equality and offers a comprehensive healthcare system accessible to all residents. The Swedish lifestyle encourages physical activity, and the nation’s commitment to gender equality and work-life balance contributes to reduced stress levels. With a well-developed healthcare infrastructure and a culture that values mental health, Sweden secures its place among the healthiest countries for our list.

It should come as no surprise that the healthiest countries in the world typically share common characteristics such as a strong healthcare system, a focus on preventive care, high-quality food, and lifestyles that prioritise healthy habits. These nations serve as models for other countries, exhibiting the positives that can be achieved when public health initiatives and quality healthcare are invested in. As we continue to face global health challenges, learning from these countries can help us create a healthier future for both ourselves and for generations to come.