
I think we can all agree that the sound quality and feel of a real acoustic instrument just cannot be replicated by digital software or samples. It’s also hard to put into words the feeling you get when playing an instrument like this; there’s just something about getting lost in music that makes everything else disappear for a little while.

Pianos have been around for centuries, with the modern form being developed in the early 1700s. They were originally considered as a luxury item only available to the wealthy, and it wasn’t until the late 1800s that they started becoming more commonplace in homes. In fact, up until the early 1900s, pianos were considered an essential part of socialization for children, especially young girls.

These days, it’s more common to see pianos on the set of films and TV shows than in people’s home. The few that are still around have been passed down from generation to generation, and for whatever reason, they just refuse to go out of style.

Only the Most Wealthy Could Afford Them In the Past

Pianos have been considered a luxury item since the 17th century, with only the wealthy being able to afford them. During this time it wasn’t uncommon for most affluent homes to have a piano in some shape or form, but they were more of a status symbol than anything else. They were considered an extension of the education of the well-bred. They were also there to indicate a refined sense of culture, intellect, and affluence.

With the development of modern-day pianos in the early 1700s, this luxury item became easier to transport and more affordable- especially since piano manufacturers started making smaller sizes for people with tighter space constraints. It wasn’t until the later part of that century that they started becoming popular in homes, with the early 1800s being the peak of piano ownership.

This was most likely due to the “common folk” and emerging middle class trying to emulate the wealthy and to fit into their class of society. People were starting to see the benefits of playing an instrument for both children and adults alike. This coupled with simple to follow piano songs encouraged more and more people to play. It wasn’t only about showing off your wealth, but about fostering a personal connection to music.

They Are Made Out of Luxury Materials

Even now, pianos are considered a luxurious item and it’s not hard to see why. Not only do they produce an amazing sound, but they’re also made out of some of the most luxurious materials. Pianos are typically made out of wood, metal, and ivory– which is where most of their value comes from.

Ivory piano keys date back to the 17th century, with most manufacturers going through a ton of ivory every month. The material was easy to get and more affordable at the time.

Back in the 1800s, people made a living playing pianos for very wealthy families and aristocrats. A lot of damage would occur due to overuse (which meant they had to be replaced often), which is why playing music during that time period was considered “high stress.” These days, using real ivory for keyboarding isn’t done nearly as much; synthetic plastics are substituted instead, although they can still be found in some areas. 


They Have a Timeless Appearance

One of the reasons why pianos haven’t gone out of style is because they have a timeless appearance. It is well known that they are difficult to craft and require a skilled hand, so these days they don’t really go “in” or “out” of fashion, they just stay.

There are so many different styles of pianos to choose from. You can find anything from a grand piano to a spinet, and each one has its own unique look and sound. The most luxurious piano is the grand piano, which is what you usually see in movies. It never goes out of style because it can be transformed into something new whenever the mood strikes.

Pianos Have a Rich History

Most people who buy pianos do so because they appreciate their rich history. Pianos have been around for centuries and have been played by some of the greatest musicians in history. They’ve been featured in some of the most iconic films and been a part of some of the most memorable moments.

Pianos are also associated with some of the greatest composers of all time, such as Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. If you’re a fan of classical music, then owning a piano is a must.

They Are An Investment

Even if you don’t play the piano, it’s still considered a wise investment to buy one. Pianos have been known to appreciate in value over time, so if you ever decide to sell it, you can expect to get your money back (plus some).

This is mainly because there are so few good-quality pianos available on the market. The majority of them are either antique or extremely old, which is why they usually end up as decorations or as a part of an ornamental collection.

Pianos Can Be Tricky to Maintain

Pianos can’t be easily transported to and from homes like other luxury items because it’s difficult to move them- especially if you’re not one person by yourself. They also need constant maintenance and proper care in order to keep playing and looking good.

Some people (mostly older generations) still play the piano for enjoyment, so they need to take time out of their schedules just to tune it and practice on it regularly. Even then, pianos require a lot of work that most people aren’t willing to commit to once their novelty wears off.   

Pianos are considered expensive and luxurious items because they require a lot of work to maintain. It is not uncommon for people to buy pianos as an investment, since the value tends to increase over time due to their rarity in this day and age. If you’re looking for a timeless piece that will be worth money in the long run, then invest in a piano!