Global Vegan Awards

See Winners List (A-Z)
- 24Vegan
- 404 Bakes
- A Tribute to Grace Wines
- Adoratherapy
- Aether Diamonds
- Airfield Estates Winery
- Alfie’s Coffee Company
- All Natural Soap Co. Ltd.
- Alley 6 Craft Distillery
- Alma Rosa Pinot Blanc
- Ambrosia Speciality Foods Pty Ltd / Vegan Life
- Amy Longard
- Aquatic Life Institute
- ArcoBar
- Arnot-Roberts Wine
- Arsayo
- Artisan Brewing Co.
- Ascension Cider Co.
- Astrid Wylde
- Atlantic Brewery & Distillery
- aulivein
- avesu
- Aviela
- Badgers Vegan Kitchen
- Bare Fashion
- Barefaced Beauty
- Bats Blood & 88 Signals Ltd
- Baxter Vodka
- Becca’s Petites
- Beli’s Vegan Bistro
- Benecos
- Benedetti Life
- Benefit Biscuits
- Berkano
- Bespoke7 Co., Limited
- Biomel
- Blackenbrook Rose Wine
- Blissful Pig Vegan Bakery
- Bluebird Botanicals
- Bombay and Cedar, LLC
- Bondi Coffee
- Borboleta Bag
- BotaniCuisine
- Boundary Breaks Vineyard
- Brewgooder
- Buff Natural Body Care
- Bveg Foods
- Byte Bars
- Calon Lan Cakes
- CanPrev Natural Health
- Cariki
- Carta Coffee
- Casa Romana
- Central & Stanley Wellness Centre
- Ceres PR
- Chrissys
- Christie’s Chips LLC
- City Survivor
- Clean South
- Cocoro
- Copper in the Clouds
- Corie Chu Healing
- Corks and Bubbles Inc.
- Crazy Bean Cafe
- Culley’s
- Culthread
- Currumbin Valley Brewing
- D’Avoire Skincare
- Dear Heart
- Della Terra Shoes
- Derw Coffee
- Dirty Cow Chocolate
- Dirty Vegan
- Do It Broccoli
- DoGood
- Dominic & Dempsey
- Dr Ed CBD
- Dressini
- Earth To Earth Organics
- Eating With CJ
- eco+amour
- Ecoslay, LLC.
- Eden Cafe Clifton
- Elena, Health and Food
- Elsa’s Organic Skin Food
- Enchanted Earth Ltd
- Epic Beer
- Ethical House
- Ethical Tee Company
- Ethically Organic
- Everly Collective
- Fab Fudge
- FabRap
- Fair Play Active Wear
- Fairechild
- Fibergourmet
- Firebrand Brewing
- FITCH Brew Co
- Five Dot Botanics
- Flourish Pancakes
- Forever Vegan Kitchen
- Forever Vegan Kitchen
- FreshFry
- Frozen Bliss
- fruitleatherNYC
- FudgePots
- Futura Jewelry
- Gambardella’s Kitchen Ltd TA Gambardeli
- Ginger Harmony
- Glass Ladder & Co.
- Glazed Coffee next level donuts and coffee
- GoodDo – The Vegan Eatery
- Goodness Goodies
- Grandma’s Cupboard
- Great Nature Vegetarian Snacks and Grocery
- Greazy Vegan
- Green Banana Paper
- green flip flops llc
- Greener Beauty Ltd
- Hairless Dog NA IPA
- HairLust
- Happy Carrot Skincare
- Harvest & Filter
- Healthy Louisa Cafe Deli
- Hellyers Road Distillery
- Hemp Horizon
- Hey Gorgeous Skincare
- Holster
- Honest Pastures
- Hub Box Ltd
- Huia Vineyards Wines
- Humane Wildlife Solutions
- Humans Are Vain
- Iguanas Burritozilla Comp.
- imPASTA Inc.
- In the Welsh Wind Distillery Ltd.
- Inclusive Food Service Ltd
- Innopure
- Isanti Spirits
- itsu [grocery]
- Iyara Day Spa Cochrane Street
- JAX Vegan Couple
- Jeavons Toffee
- Jubel
- Julie Stewart Nutrition MAPharmT, Dip CNM, mBANT, CNHC
- Jungle Fruits
- Just Fred
- Just Rachel Dairy Free/Vegan Passion Fruit Ice Cream
- Just Vegan Marina
- K-Roll Hong Kong Station and Kowloon Station
- KAALEE Jewelry
- Kaiaroha Vegan Deli and Eatery
- Kalani
- Kester Black
- Kind Cafe
- Kindred Traveller – vegan holidays
- Kite
- Krowarzywa
- KUNDACAFE Chiang Rai
- Labante Limited
- Lalla Wandavi
- Lapis Luna Wines
- Las Jaras Wines
- Last Best Brewing & Distilling
- Last Night a Vegan Saved my Life
- Leaves of the World
- Leigh on Sea Brewery
- Lexi’s Healthy Eatery
- Little Bee Bakery
- Little Grandma’s Kitchen
- Little Green Radicals
- Little Soap Company
- Living Alchemy
- Living Cruelty Free
- Living Naturally Soapnut Apothecary
- Lofte Ltd
- Lolo Carolo
- Lord of the Fries
- Love Dirty
- Lovethical
- LovEvE.
- Lydias KInd Foods
- Margo’s Amsterdam
- Marita Moreno
- Martins de Sa Port
- Mashu
- Matthew Nagra, ND
- Maxine’s Heavenly
- Maya’s Cookies
- Maylyn & Co.
- Mementa Inc.
- Milly & Sissy
- Minus Cloud Nine
- Moana Park Estate Wines
- Mom’s Organic Munchies
- Moo Free
- Mother Earth Vegan Hotel
- Mother Kombucha
- Mulline Wines
- Murmali
- My Elenoula
- My Gammie’s Ltd
- My Green Heart
- My Vegan Hamper
- Mylk Made
- Nae
- Naked Biotics
- Napton Cidery Limited
- Nasty Vegan
- Nataya Beauty
- Natural Barber Co.
- Naturally Wicked
- Neat Burger
- Neitiv Ltd.
- New Roots AG
- Nickel Brook
- No harm charm
- No Homers Deli
- Noskin
- Novel Notes
- NoWa
- Nudge Boutique, Norwich
- O.N.E.
- Obvious Wines
- Oliver Co. London
- Onnoa Shoes
- Organically Epic
- Orlando Brewing
- Oxford Clay
- Ozuke
- Pakt
- Panda Sweets
- Pause Mui Wo
- pepilu casa vegana
- Petit Tippi
- Petzy
- Pferdegnadenhof Edelweiss Sanctuary
- Pharmacist Roman Moretti
- Pickle & Co Pet Care
- Pioneer Pie Co
- Plant
- Plant Based Events Co
- Plant Punks LTD
- Plant-based Canada
- Plant-based Health Professionals UK
- Planting Hope Company Inc.
- PlantX
- Podyum Popcorn
- Pop Cycle
- Popty Cara
- Powered by Plants Vegan Foods – Warrington
- Prana Cafe
- Pressology
- Prime Gelato
- Proclamation Goods Co.
- ProGroom
- Pudus
- Pure Kitchen Elgin
- Pure Savvy
- Pyramid Catering
- R6 Stone Ltd
- Radnor Preserves
- Ravine Vineyard Estate Winery
- RAW PASSION 100% Organic Vegan Ethical Skin Food
- Rickaroons
- Rise Creative
- Riverbank Vegan Self Catering
- ROCC Naturals
- Rockin Wellness
- Roho Bure Vegan Ice Cream
- Rooftop Republic Urban Farming
- Root Minerals
- Roots Vegan Skincare
- Roris Artisanal Creamery
- Rritual Superfoods Inc.
- Rule Breaker Snacks
- Salon Zero Ltd
- Sandy P. Peng
- Saving Grace Animal Society
- Sawatch Hemp
- Scence Natural Skincare
- Seggiano
- Selfmade Candle
- Shanahans
- Sheets & Giggles
- Sheffield Vegan Festival
- Sherrah Wines Pty Ltd
- SHiDO Digital
- Shinrin Yoku Hong Kong
- Shumei Natural Agriculture Yatesbury
- Simply Organic Bamboo
- Singlecut 18 Watt IPA
- SintraNaturals
- Skin Elixir
- Skipwith Organics
- Slice of Hope Vegan Bakery
- Sloane Home
- Soapnut Republic Hong Kong
- SoFlo Vegans
- sorryivegotplants
- South City Ciderworks
- South Plains Brewing Company
- Sow Vegan Private Kitchen
- Soya Rama & The Vegan Chef
- Spade & Sparrows Wine
- Spearhead Brewery
- StackedSkincare
- Stacy Kessler
- Staffordshire Black Violet Gin
- Stanlake Park Wine Estate
- Sugar Noms Ltd
- Superranzen
- Sweet Anthem
- sweet LeiLani Cosmetics
- Sweet Sanctuary Animal Rescue
- Sweet Secrets by Dragon Rose Ltd
- Sweet Yourself Vegan
- Symphony’s Restaurant Pahrump Valley Winery
- Tabanco by Ambiente
- TaxAntics Limited – vegan tax advisors
- Tea North®
- THALIE Paris
- That Protein
- The Athenian
- The Functional Chocolate Company
- The Green Eatery
- The Hemp Garden Ltd
- The Hogless Roast
- The Iced Vegan
- The Juice Truck
- The Little Tea Rooms
- The Naked Vegan
- The Natural Barber Co
- The Nothing Wasted GroupLtd
- The Nutty Group Ltd
- The Rising Space
- The Secret Garden Cafe
- The Sinful Vegan
- The Vegan Food Wraps Company
- The Veggie
- The Wee Bean
- THRIVE – Conscious Fashion
- Toschi
- Trapan Winery
- Treat Dreams
- treen
- Trend Tonic
- Truthpaste
- Tscharke’s Wine
- Turtle Bags
- TweedyClothing
- Two Daughters Bakeshop
- Two Drifters Distillery
- Untainted Tastes
- UpDog Smoothies and Juices
- Urbanima
- VB Vegan Bags
- VE Cosmetics
- Vegan Butchers and Deli Ltd
- Vegan Food Pimp
- VEGAN Happy Clothing
- Vegan Haven
- Vegan Heavenly Delights Inc.
- Vegan In The Hood Llc
- Vegan Mob
- Vegan Print
- Vegan Punjabi Food Delivery
- Vegan Punks
- Vegan Streetfood
- Vegan Style
- Vegan Tipples
- Vegan Voyagers
- Vegana Trading s.r.o.
- Veggilish
- Vegums
- Velvet Heartbeat
- Vendula London Limited
- Ving Vodka
- Vision Bakeries
- Visual Synapses
- Vitally Vegan Ltd
- VKind
- Volatile
- Vurger Guyz
- Vutter, by Feliz Wholefoods
- West Barn Co.
- Westerham Brewery
- Wilby
- Wild & Kind
- Willa’s
- Woodpecker Coats
- Worthing Vegan Food Bank
- Y.O.U Underwear
- Yes Baby I like It Raw
- Yewfield
- Yhangry
- Yococo
- Yogitown
- Your Vegan Marketer
- ZaraMia Ava