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Gente por la Defensa Animal

Gente por la Defensa Animal

Pet Products and Services Awards 2020

Best Animal Welfare Charity 2020 – Mexico

Gente por la Defensa Animal (GEPDA) is an animal welfare non-profit organization located in Mexico City, we began operations in 2000 developing a puppet theater for kids; currently our areas of work are: Assistance & Legal Support in Animal Abuse Cases; Rescue & Adoption of Dogs/Cats and Humane Education. Our field includes domestic animals, farm animals and wildlife.

While the majority of the groups in our country channel their efforts to canine rescue/adoption exclusively, we tackle the problem at its roots by propelling the enforcement of animal welfare laws and planting the seed of empathy especially in children and teenagers.  FB: Gente por la Defensa Animal    Twitter: @DefensaAnimal