
Hospitality Awards 2022
Social & Situational Risk Mitigation Education Platform of the Year 2022
RemedyBlox is a lead expert in the field of social, situational and environmental risk mitigation. For the past 20 years founder Remedy Max and her team of subject matter experts have been designing and delivering various public educational platforms and support services to both members of the general public and to the business sector.
The in-person, online and telephone advisory services focus on helping our clients gain added clarity, key insights and practical tools to enhance their core risk mitigation capacity and to successfully control against various agents of chaos.
To learn more about our background, streams of services, collaborative social contributions and advancements in addiction and trauma recovery RemedyBlox has made to date including valuable resources and listing of upcoming events please visit: www.remedyblox.com
RemedyBlox Online Footprints:
Web: www.remedyblox.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RemedyBlox
Twitter: twitter.com/remedyblox
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/RemedyBlox/