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Seed Resort

Seed Resort

Resorts and Retreats Awards 2020

Best Luxury Boutique Hotel – Indonesia
LUX Customer Service Excellence Award 2020

A vision of sustainable organic growth for the body, mind and soul, SEED Resort encompasses the essence of homespun hospitality combined with tranquil barefoot luxury. Nurtured within Rote Island’s pristine nature, the resort has grown with blissful simplicity into a sanctuary of healthy living, active recuperation and wholesome relaxation in the heart of serenity. The SEED Resort experience is rounded in every sense. Striving to achieve the ideal balance between eco-friendly and luxurious living – the resort enables guests to experience that ‘off the beaten track’ feeling, with modern comforts and amenities. A home away from home with only 9 exclusive bungalows, a philosophy of pure balance, the Resort prides itself on curating quality experiences for each and every guest.