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Vandenberg Edizioni SRL

Vandenberg Edizioni SRL

Food & Drink Awards 2020

Best Food Magazine – Italy

Published by Vandenberg Edizioni in Lucca, Italy, Cook_inc. is an international four monthly periodical first launched in November 2011. Unwavering in its responsibility to create honest and engaging stories, Cook_inc. continues to push boundaries and in doing so, has crossed over into a new realm, more than a journal and collection of words and images, maturing into something of cultural significance, something other, higher; an essential must-have for epicureans and a collector’s item without an expiration date. Cook_inc. also operates online, on, where the blog is constantly updated with international content, previews of outgoing numbers are posted, and the online shop provides an easy way of ordering the print magazine and digital downloads. There is also a weekly Newsletter and various social media platforms on which the magazine can be followed, such as Facebook and Instagram.